A new article by James Morrison in the Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies is published

Morrison, J. (2024) ‘Abusing the unprotected ‘poor’: The prevalence of povertyist stigma and hate speech on unmoderated newspaper comment threads’, Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 13(2), pp.237-257. Project Co-investigator Dr James Morrison has published a new article in the Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, focusing on Read more…

New publication: “Silenced Voices and the Media: Who Gets to Speak?” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)

A timely new research anthology, co-edited by project member Dr James Morrison (in cooperation with Professor Sarah Pedersen of Robert-Gordon University, Aberdeen), was published earlier this month. Entitled Silenced Voices and the Media: Who Gets to Speak? (Palgrave Macmillan), the book examines the marginalisation – or ‘silencing’ – of various Read more…

Storytelling cafés in Rotherham

The UK research team started collecting contributions from members of the public to the “Voices from the Periphery” project with a site visit to Rotherham. From 23 to 25 October, they ran three discussion groups with locals who have experienced industrial decline in Rotherham first-hand. The discussion groups, held in Read more…

Project launch

The VOICES project starts on March 1, 2024. The project, with the full title “Voices from the Periphery: (De-)Constructing and Contesting Public Narratives about Post-Industrial Marginalisation”, is funded by DFG and AHRC as part of the UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities with approximately 1.2 million euros over a period Read more…